Abe's Marine Day message: Japan must defend its maritime interests


Abe's Marine Day message: Japan must defend its maritime interests
July 13, 2013

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stressed the need for Japan to defend1 its maritime interests on July 12, following Chinese activity around the disputed Senkaku Islands and a gas field in the East China Sea.

“The security environment has become increasingly severe, including2 through provocations surrounding our territorial waters,” Abe said in a statement released ahead of Marine Day on July 15, a national holiday.

Although the statement did not mention China by name, it was clear that Abe was pointing to the Chinese government vessels that have repeatedly encroached upon Japanese waters around the Senkaku Islands.

Beijing has also made moves to develop a gas field near the Japan-China median line in the East China Sea. Abe has called this a violation of a 2008 Japan-China agreement.

“Japan is determined to ... defend our maritime interests ... while also upholding2 the order of free and open seas on the basis of the rule of law, opposing2 changes to the status quo predicated by force," Abe said in the statement.

Successive prime ministers have issued statements ahead of Marine Day, which falls on the third Monday of July. Abe’s message strongly reflects his conservative views on security issues.

Yoshihiko Noda, Abe’s predecessor, stopped short of using such strong expressions as “provocations” and “changes to the status quo predicated by force” when he issued his Marine Day statement last year.



  1. to不定詞の前のfor~は不定詞の主語役です。forの位置は必ず不定詞の直前です。たとえ不定詞の熟語"enogh to"や"in order to"等になってもこの関係は優先されます。例えば"It is big enough for him to eat.""She needed to buy it in order for me to do my work."
  2. これらは分詞構文です。分詞構文は分詞が接続詞付きの意味を表します。また意味をはっきりさせるために接続詞を付けて分詞構文を使う場合もあります。接続詞whileの時はこの形が多く使われます

maritime 海の、海運の
interests 利害、利益
dispute ~を議論する
provocation 挑発
territorial waters 領海 ※waters(waterの複数)は海域
by name 名前で
vessel 船
encroach 侵入する
uphold 展開する
status quo 現状(維持)
successive 歴代の、継続する
fall on ~に当たる

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