今日はPacific Standardというサイトから「なぜ音楽専攻の学生がSAT(大学進学適正試験)で好成績なのか」の理由です。ちょっと長めで、ちょっと難しめです。レベルは英検1級程度だと思います。でも大学入試を経験した人ならわかると思いますが、入試ではお構いなしにこの程度の文章は出ます。大学側としても帰国子女なども考慮し、そう簡単に100点は取らせません。更には平均点が低い方が(50点以下)、受験者の本当の実力が分かり公平になります。数学の話になってしまいますが、平均点が高い程、1点の価値が上がってしまい、公平な優劣が出ないのです。それはともかく、こういった難しめの文章を「ステップ1>ざっと読みし、ステップ2>今度はしっかり文法的に解釈しながら読み、ステップ3>何回も繰り返し音読する。」そういう勉強法をすると実力が身に付きますよ! 😉
Why Do Music Students Have Higher SAT Scores?
New research suggests the reason has more to do with 1 the sort of student who decides to study music than 1 any brain-boosting benefits of lessons.
May 28, 2013 • By Tom Jacobs
The figures look so good, it’s no wonder that they’re trumpeted 2 by the National Association for Music Education. “On the 2012 SAT,” the organization notes,3 “students who participated in music scored an average of 31 points above average in reading, 23 points above average in math, and 31 points above average in writing.”A strong argument in favor of music education? Maybe not so much. As we point out regularly here, correlation and causation are very different things. Newly published research concludes those differences reflect the types of kids who decide to participate in music, rather than anything that occurs in the practice room.
Music students tend to be those “who are already more likely to outperform 4 others on educational measures 5,” Kenneth Elpus of the University of Maryland reports in the Journal of Research in Music Education.
Once you remove factors such as socioeconomic status and prior academic achievement from the equation, he writes, “music students in the U.S. high school class of 2004 did not outperform non-music students on college entrance exams, or on standardized math tests.”
Elpus’ analysis is based on data from a longitudinal study of 13,530 American students who were high school sophomores in 2002. Transcript data from that group (the class of 2004) showed that 36 percent earned at least one course credit in music.
After controlling for various demographic factors, 6 academic success in previous grades, 6 and 6 expressed attitudes toward school and learning (including whether they expected to earn a college degree), he found no significant difference between music students and others on either college entrance exams or standardized math tests.
Elpus concedes that his decision to consider students who have completed one music course as “music students” may not “separate ‘real’ music students from dilettantes, or those participating in a required music course.”
However, he also crunched the numbers for kids who took music courses throughout their four years in high school. He found that “even those students with sustained music enrollment did not outscore 4 their non-music peers on standardized tests, once fixed effects, demographics, and prior academic achievement are taken into account.”
None of this contradicts the evidence that music lessons have a positive impact on the brains of young children. (For examples, see here, here, and here.) But it does suggest that arts-education advocates, placed in the awkward position of having to justify such courses on “practical” grounds, may be overstating their case when it comes to high schoolers.
“It may be time to question seriously, or even retire,” Elpus concludes,3 “the advocacy argument that implies music students are more academically successful on standardized tests than their non-music peers because of their enrollment in music.”“A more candid appraisal of the current body of research literature might suggest that music is somehow attractive [to those] who are already more likely to perform well academically, and as such, may serve as an important artistic outlet with positive developmental benefits for those students who choose to study it.”
- 一見気がつかないのですがこれは"have something to do with"という熟語。意味は「~に関係がある」で、somethingの場所がanything, nothing, muchとヴァリエイションがあるので注意しましょう。さらにこの場合はmuchの比較級のmoreとなってthan以下が比べる対象となっています。文中の言葉の関係に注意しましょう。
- このtrumpetという単語、読んでそのままトランペットですが、動詞として意味は「吹聴する」です。トランペットだから「吹聴する」、日本語も英語も思考的には同じだな!と思うでしょうが、実は英語のほうが先。英語の日本語訳として「吹聴する」などの言葉が作られたと思われます。正直、実は日本語3分の1以上は英語語源ではないかとも思われます。例えば「動機」という言葉、明らかに英語のmotivationをそのまま漢字にしています。「地滑り的勝利」、もとは"landslide victory"です。そもそも政治用語、経済用語...日本にはそういう概念自体が無かったかも。{この日本語の実状を考えると、英語が出来ない人は国文学者には不適切ですね(正直、日本史や国文学などのガラパゴス系の学者はこういったことはひた隠しにします 😡 )。}
- クオーテーション(引用)の間に主語+動詞が入るパターンです。訳しにくいときは主語、動詞は文の最後なんだという意識をを持ちましょう。ちょっと違うのですが直接話法のsaidでの引用パターンをあげておきます(コンマ、ピリオドの位置にも注意して下さい。)
- 主語said, "引用."
- "引用, " 主語said, "引用. " or "引用, " said主語, "引用. "
- "引用, " said主語.
- outperform, outscore...out-で始まる動詞は概して「勝る」という意味を持ちます。
- measures、この場合は「手段」です(通常複数)。「手段、方法」はmeasures, means, method, manner, medium, mode, Mで始まる単語ばかりです。まとめて覚えましょう!
- 「A, B, C,...and D」 の羅列を表すパターンですが、このように言葉のつながりが長くなると急にわかりにくくなります。さらには文(節)が羅列される場合もあるので注意しましょう。
SAT 大学進学適正試験(Scholastic Assessment Test)
have something to do with ~と関係がある
trumpet 吹聴する、布告する
in favor of ~を支持して
correlation 相関関係
causation 因果関係
outperform ~より性能が優れている
socioeconomic 社会経済的
longitudinal 長期にわたる、経度の、縦軸の
transcript data 成績証明書
sophomore (大学、高校)2年生
demographic 人口統計学の
grades 成績(通常複数)
concede (負けを)認める
dilettante 愛好家
crunch かみ砕く
outscore ~より得点で勝る
take into account ~を考慮に入れる
adovocate 支持者
ground 理由
advocacy argument (特定の意見)支持する議論
when it comes to ~の話になると
candid 率直な
appraisal 評価
as such それ自体(such as 『 ~のように』とは違うので注意)