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A Red Ribbon

When I first met Rumi, she was sitting alone on the seashore. She was looking toward the sea. She was a cute little girl.

Her mother and father went to Hiroshima on August 5. It was just before the last war ended. Before they left the island, they said that they would only stay overnight. One day passed. Another day passed, and still another day passed. But her parents did not come back. Rumi's uncle took her to Hirohima to look for her parents. They walked around the burned-out city for four days, but they could not find her parents. After they returned to the island, Rumi went to the seashore every day. She waited there alone for her parents. I felt sad whenever I saw her. Rumi had a pretty yellow ribbon in her hair. She loved it. It was made by her mother.

One day I found that her hair was falling out. I said to her, "I'll make a red ribbon for you when your hair gets better." She smiled, and then turned toward the sea again to look for a ship. She said, "Mom and Dad said they would only stay overnight." A few days later, I saw Rumi on the seashore. She had a hat on. She said, "My uncle gave me this hat. My hair is sick." I did not know what to say.

A couple of days later, I found Rumi in her uncle's arms on the seashore. When I saw her face, I was surprised. I hurried back home and made a red ribbon for her. Then I brought it to her. She slowly opened her eyes, and gave me a smile. Her teeth were red with blood. "Thank ... you," she said weakly, and closed her eyes again. Tears ran down my face. Two days later, she died in her uncle's arms on the seashore.



(これは2012-05-09 Deity Cliqueに投稿した記事の修正移植です。)

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Musicians: Weezer Genre: 90s, Pop


もうそろそろ英検です。今回は5級以外は全部受験します。私一人...ではないですよ。私も含めますが、私の生徒たちがです 😀 。でもなんだか、気持ちとしては自分で全部受験するような気持ちです。どの子も余裕で合格なんてパターンはなくて、ギリギリ当落線上にあるといった感じなのです。


そんな中で不思議なパターンがあるのです。良いパターンではありません。一番まずいパターンです。高校3年あたりで見られるのですが、今まで出来ていたことが急に出来なくなってしまうのです。高校1年の時点で合格していたDiscourse Markerの熟語テストさえ合格できなくなってしまうのです。解かりません。モチベーションの問題なのでしょうか?あるいはその他もろもろのプレッシャーのせいなのでしょうか?一つ判るのは、その手の問題が起こる前に大概、生徒たちは1ヶ月かそれ以上のまったく英語学習から離れてしまう期間があることです。部活やその他の理由からです。(学校では当然英語の授業はありますが、どうやら学校の英語は英語学習ではないようです。ごめんなさい。これ本当です。)




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Musicians: Weezer Genre: 90s, Garage, Rock