Yokohama recalls texts describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans

Japantimes 2013/08/29

Yokohama recalls texts describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans
KYODO AUG 29, 2013

The stir caused by a textbook’s descriptions of the mass lynching of Koreans following the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake has prompted Yokohama’s board of education to order schools to collect the books from students.

In an unprecedented move, the board ordered municipal junior high schools to recall the 2012 edition of the book, a supplementary text, saying the use of the word “massacre” “can cause a misunderstanding.” The term has also been criticized by some historians.

Immediately after the Sept. 1, 1923, earthquake in the Kanto region, unconfirmed rumors spread that Koreans were rioting and committing acts of sabotage. Based on the rumors, the army, police and vigilantes killed many Koreans, as well as Chinese and Japanese mistaken for Koreans. It’s unclear because of the chaos how many were killed, but it’s thought the slayings1 topped 6,000 in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture alone2.

Previous editions of the text, titled “Wakaru Yokohama” (“Understanding Yokohama”) and edited by the board, said “some members of the vigilante corps killed Koreans.” The book was first published in 2009.

However, the edition distributed in May 2012 states that “the military, the police and vigilante groups persecuted and massacred Koreans.” It also shows a picture of a cenotaph erected by Japanese as an expression of apology.

The revised entry made media headlines at home as well as in South Korea and China.

In July 2012, a municipal assembly member from the Liberal Democratic Party took up the issue during a session, saying: “It could affect historical concepts in our country and diplomatic relations. It is not a matter only for Yokohama.”

The board of education’s chairman at the time pledged to revise the edition and recall the books already distributed.

The board later reprimanded the person in charge of the revision, criticizing the decision-making process as inappropriate. The 2013 edition reinstated the description and a recall was begun of the 2012 version.

The board also twice instructed school principals to collect all the books and ask students who did not obey their reasons why.

On Wednesday, historians submitted a petition to Yokohama asking that the decision to recall the books be reversed.


  1. slyings、なんだか不思議に思いませんか?そうです動名詞に複数のsがついています。動詞が名詞になったからといって普通は複数にはなりません。動名詞にsをつけられるのは、一部の完全に名詞化してしまった動名詞です。例えばpaintings, drawings, belongings, savings, earnings, openings, human beings...ただし動名詞は正直そう簡単ではありません。例えば動名詞は副詞で修飾しますか、それとも名詞で修飾しますか?下に例を出しますが、同じ単語の動名詞でも使われ方によっては副詞で修飾し(即ち動詞的動名詞)、あるいは形容詞で修飾(即ち名詞的動名詞)があるのです。以下はTOEIC公式問題集からです。

    a. The position of shipping clerk requires ------ lifting of packages weighing over twenty kilograms.
    (A) repeats
    (B) repeated
    (C) repeatedly
    (D) will repeat

    b. Shipping clerk can finish the job without ------ lifting packages.
    (A) repeats
    (B) repeated
    (C) repeatedly
    (D) will repeat

    a問題の答えはBです。b問題の答えはCです。同じliftingという動名詞なのに。。。何故か分かりますか?本当は自分で調べる課題としたいところですが 😯 、とくに私の生徒には 😆 。。。。多分鋭い人ならきっと分かってくれると思います。
    a問題のliftingはofがついてしまっています。ということは完全に名詞としての扱いになります。その他にも冠詞がついたりすれば完全に名詞扱いです。だから形容詞や分詞で修飾しているのです。一方b問題のliftingは目的語を伴っています。まだ動詞扱いです。だから副詞での修飾なのです。きっと英語に熱心な人ならこの説明を聞いて「ラッキー 💡 」と思ってくれると思います。いいえこちらこそ :mrgreen:
  2. aloneはonlyと同じく「~だけ」という意味で使われます。aloneは後置修飾で使われます。aloneは普通叙述用法の形容詞ですが、この場合は限定用法?と思ったのですが、辞書を調べたところ、これでも叙述用法と書いてありました 😯 。

stir 動揺
lynch リンチ
prompt 引き起こす、駆りたてる
board of education 教育委員会
collect 集める
unprecedented 前例のない
municipal 地方自治の、公立の
supplementary text 補助教科書、副読本
sabotage 破壊行為
vigilante 自警団員
top ~を上回る
persecute 迫害する
cenotaph 慰霊碑
at home 国内で
municipal assembly 市議会
pledge 堅く誓う
reprimand 懲戒する
reinstate もとに戻す
petition 嘆願書

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