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Panel to propose Japan help defend all allies, not just U.S.

まず国際大学(International University of Japan)なのですが、知りませんでした。類似名の大学があり過ぎですね。それから学長がこういった偏った思想の顧問員になっているというのは決定的に大学の評価の下がる要因になると思います。せっかく英語に力を入れてる大学なのに残念です。私個人のランキングですが、拓殖大学や国士舘大学と同等かなという感じです。世間の人はあまりご存じないと思いますが、上智大学や国際基督教大学の英語入試問題がその内容自体で、どんなに思想的リベラルなものか。国際と名のつく大学ならまず思想の段階で国際標準を知らなければいけないと思います。それからTOEIC750点では英語での授業は不可能だと思います。(この大学の学長が日本の未来を変えてしまうような提案をするの?日本人にはちゃんとノーベル賞を受賞した人だっていると思うのですけど。そういうものなの? 😯 )

Panel to propose Japan help defend all allies, not just U.S.
KYODO AUG 13, 2013
The government panel on security issues will propose that Japan help defend not only the United States but also other allied nations by exercising the right of collective self-defense, the panel’s acting chairman said Tuesday.

Shinichi Kitaoka, president of the International University of Japan, said in an interview that the panel will state in a forthcoming report that Japan can exercise the right when “countries with close ties (with it)” are under attack and it is deemed Japan could also come to harm.

Collective self-defense is the concept of a nation coming to the aid of another that is under attack.

Kitaoka indicated the panel will not specify which countries to defend as withholding such details would be helpful in maintaining deterrence.

“There needs to be some degree of vagueness when we talk about security,” Kitaoka said.

Some experts say Japan should extend its potential use of collective self-defense to such countries as Australia, the Philippines and India.

The panel, re-established by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is scheduled to meet Sept. 12 before compiling its conclusions by the end of the year that Japan should terminate its self-imposed ban on collective-self defense.

Kitaoka also suggested Japan can come to the aid of countries defending sea lanes to ensure oil transport from the Middle East, describing them as “lifelines.”

Japan has been particularly concerned about China’s assertiveness in the East China Sea over the Senkaku Islands. North Korea’s nuclear and missile development is also a concern.

Under the government’s current interpretation of the pacifist Constitution, Japan does not permit itself to exercise the right because doing so would go beyond self-defense.

In a 2008 report, a similar panel limited the use of collective-self defense to coming to the aid of the United States, saying Japan should be able to defend U.S. naval vessels attacked on the high seas, or intercept ballistic missiles targeting U.S. soil.


  1. 英文ニュースの見出しについては以前書きました。この場合は動詞と思しき部分にto不定詞が付いています。何でしたっけ?そうです。これは未来なのです。英文見出しではwillやbe going toで未来を表すことはなく、全て"be to"で未来を表すのです。be動詞は省略されますから、結局ただの不定詞になります。
  2. ally「同盟国」です。でも似た単語が沢山あるんですよ :(。羅列してみます。カタカナ発音も書いておきます。
    ally「同盟国:アライ」, allay「和らげる:アレイ」, alley「通路、ボウリング場:アリー」array「配列:アレイ」, a ray (of)「一筋の光線:アレイ」
  3. deem「思う」です。なぜ英語にはこんなに「思う」「考える」という単語が沢山あるのでしょうか?本当に嘆きたくなります。多分分類の仕方も工夫が必要だと思うのですが、とりあえず「思う」系と「熟考する」系で羅列します。
    思う: think, suppose, conceive(思いつく), deem, assume(想定する), presume(推測する), guess(推測する), surmise(推測する), reckon(オーストラリアで)
    熟考する: consider, reflect, deliberate, ponder, contemplate

government panel 政府の諮問機関
forthcoming 来るべき
deem ~を思う
collective self-defense 集団自衛
withhold ~を差し控える
deterrence 抑止力
vagueness 曖昧さ
self-imposed 自ら課した~
ban 禁止
assertiveness 自己主張すること
interpretation 解釈
pacifist Constitution 平和憲法
naval 海軍の
vessel 船
high seas 公海
intercept 迎撃する
ballistic 弾道の
soil 本土、土

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NSA leaks: US charges Edward Snowden with spying...


NSA leaks:1US charges Edward Snowden with spying

The US justice department has filed2 criminal charges2 against a fugitive ex-intelligence analyst who leaked details of a secret surveillance operation.

The charges against ex-National Security Agency (NSA) analyst Edward Snowden include espionage and theft of government property.

In May, Mr Snowden fled to Hong Kong after leaking details of a programme3 to monitor phone and internet data.

The US is also reported to be preparing an extradition request.

His leaks revealed that US agencies had systematically gathered vast amounts of phone and web data.

The criminal complaint2 was lodged2 with a federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia, court documents show, and a provisional2 arrest warrant2 had been issued, officials said.

Mr Snowden was charged with theft of government property, unauthorised communication of national defence information and wilful3 communication of classified communications intelligence.

Each of the charges carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence2. The complaint is dated 14 June although it was made public only on Friday.

Mr Snowden left a hotel in Hong Kong on 10 June after allowing newspapers to name him as the source of the leaks. His current whereabouts are unknown.

In the US, the charges were welcomed by Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"I've always thought this was a treasonous act,'' he said in a statement. "I hope Hong Kong's government will take him into custody and extradite him to the US."

However, some Hong Kong politicians have voiced support for Mr Snowden.

Left-wing MP Leung Kwok-hung said Beijing should tell the authorities to protect him from extradition, and the people of the territory should "take to the streets" to shelter him.

The BBC's Juliana Liu in Hong Kong says Beijing is highly unlikely to interfere in the early stages of what could be a long legal battle.

Julian Assange, founder of the Wikileaks organisation, also issued a statement supporting Mr Snowden.

"The US government is spying on each and every one of us, but it is Edward Snowden who is charged with espionage for tipping us off," said Mr Assange, who has been living in Ecuador's London embassy for the past year, fighting extradition to Sweden for questioning on alleged2 sex offences.

Beijing influence

Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of China, signed an extradition treaty with the US in 1998.

It has a separate legal system from the Chinese mainland, and Mr Snowden's right of appeal2 could drag out any future extradition proceedings for several years.

In a news conference on Saturday, Hong Kong police declined to comment on a local newspaper report that he is staying in a police safe house.

"According to Hong Kong's current system, if a jurisdiction that has signed the mutual legal assistance treaty has issued a request, then the Hong Kong government will treat it in accordance with4 current Hong Kong laws and systems," said police commissioner Andy Tsang.



  1. 英文ニュースの見出しにコロン(:)があった場合、以下の4パターンどれかにあたります。1.~に関して(regarding...) 2.~によると(according to...) 3.~は言った(..said) 4.単なるカテゴリー品目。この場合は1の「~に関して」です。
  2. 法律用語になると普段とはちょっと違う意味合いが出てきます。法律用語で難しいからと避けるわけにはいきません。特にニュースなどを読むときは知っていると格段に理解が変わりますので覚えたほうが良いでしょう。思いつくものを列挙しておきます。
    file(提訴する), lodge(告訴する), appeal(上訴する), suit(控訴), complaint(告訴状),  warrant(~状), provisional(仮~),alleged(~疑惑の), attempted(~未遂の), sentence(判決、判決を下す), convict(~に有罪判決を下す),detain(拘留する), execute(~を執行する), probation(執行猶予), prescription(時効), penalty(刑), settlement(和解), charge(容疑), suspicion(容疑), plaintiff(原告), defendant(被告), prosecutor(検事), juror(陪審員), judge(裁判官), court(法廷), trial(裁判)...
  3. イギリス英語とアメリカ英語で綴りに微妙に違いがあるものがあります。注意しましょう。完璧に知る必要はないと思いますが、知識として知っておかないといざとなったとき戸惑ってしまいます。日本人にとってはアメリカ英語がベーシックですから、注意すべきイギリス英語の綴りをいくつか列挙しておきます。よく見ると特徴がありますよ。
    behaviour (behavior), honour (honor), colour (color), centre (center), theatre (theater), programme (program), kirogramme, (kirogram), criticise (criticize), realise (realize), practise (practice), cosy (cozy), wilful (willful), enrol (enroll), cheque (check), kerb (curb), mould (mold), dreamt (dreamed), learnt (learned)...
  4. "in accordance with"は「~によると」です。これも同じ意味合いはまとめて覚えてしまいましょう。学校のテキストに出てきたら一つ一つ別個に覚える...は今の学校教育の一番の問題点です。「教科書に載っていることだけを覚えればいい」は単に文部科学省の理屈です 👿 。英語習得にはまったく通用しません。in accordance with= according to= as per 「~によれば」です

file 提出する、提訴する
fugitive 逃亡中の
surveillance 監視
espionage スパイ行為、諜報
extradition 送還、身柄引き渡し
complaint 告訴状、不平
lodge 申し立てる、小屋
provisional 仮の
arrest warreant 逮捕状
wilful(willful) 意図的な
whereabout 所在
treasonous 反逆の
take into custody 拘留する
extradite 送還する
territory 領土
take to the streets 街頭でデモをする
tip off 密告する
alleged 疑わしい~、申し立てられた~
offence 違反
Special Administrative Region 特別行政区
drag out 長引かせる
news conference 記者会見
jurisdiction 管轄区域、司法権
in accordance with ~によれば

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NSA whistleblower revealed as Edward Snowden, 29-year-old ex-CIA employee...

といことで、まず多少前もって知識が必要なので説明しておきます。NSAとは米国家安全保障局(National Security Agency)のことです。そのNSAがPRISMといわれる極秘計画をしていたそうです。いや過去ではなく、現在も進行中と思われます。それを内部告発したのがこのEdward Snowdenです。しかしこのPRISMという計画があまりに... 😈 なのです。マイクロソフト、グーグル、ヤフー、フェイスブック、アップル、AOL、Skype、YouTube、PalTalkからメール、映像...あらゆる個人情報を収集しているということなのです。テロ、犯罪感知のためでしょうが、これらメディア、当然私だって使っています。全部当局に筒抜けということです。詳しくは"NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program"をご覧ください。(この記事を編集している間に時間が経過してしまったのですが、現在Edward Snowdenは行方不明になってしまったそうです。)


NSA whistleblower revealed as Edward Snowden 1, 29-year-old ex-CIA employee
By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News Sun, Jun 9, 2013

The source of the intelligence leaks that revealed the National Security Agency's massive domestic surveillance program last week was identified on Sunday by the Guardian and Washington Post as Edward Snowden, a soft-spoken 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of NSA defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.

Snowden, a Hawaii resident who was interviewed by the U.K. newspaper in his hotel room in Hong Kong where he is hiding, said he has no regrets about going public—even if he never sees his family again.

"I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things," Snowden said. "I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under ... I can't in good conscience 2 allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."

In a statement, Booz Allen confirmed Snowden " 3 has been an employee of our firm for less than 3 months" 3:

News reports that this individual has claimed to have leaked classified information are shocking, and if accurate, this action represents a grave violation of the code of conduct and core values of our firm. We will work closely with our clients and authorities in their investigation of this matter.

The White House declined to comment on the identification of the NSA leaker, according to a press pool report.

Snowden said he decided to leave his family, girlfriend and a comfortable, $200,000-a-year salary behind, and flew to Hong Kong on May 20. He said he chose China because "they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent."

The newspaper said it revealed Snowden's identity at his request, but that he is concerned it will become a distraction. "I don't want public attention because I don't want the story to be about me," Snowden said. "I want it to be about what the U.S. government is doing."

Snowden said he realizes that the government will come after him the same way they did with Bradley Manning, the former U.S. soldier who is currently on trial, accused of providing thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks.

"All my options are bad," Snowden said. "I could be rendered by the CIA. I could have people come after me. Or any of the third-party partners."

Snowden said he's left his hotel room just three times in three weeks, and is paranoid he's being watched.

"We have got 4 a CIA station just up the road —the consulate here in Hong Kong— and I am sure they are going to be busy for the next week," he continued. "And that is a concern I will live with for the rest of my life, however long that happens to be."

Snowden said he " 3 carefully evaluated every single document I disclosed to ensure that each was legitimately in the public interest. There are all sorts of documents that would have made a big impact that I didn't turn over, because harming people isn't my goal. Transparency is.

"My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them," he added. "The only thing I can do is sit here and hope the Hong Kong government does not deport me ... My predisposition4 is to seek asylum in a country with shared values. The nation that most encompasses this is Iceland. They stood up for people over Internet freedom. I have no idea what my future is going to be."


Snowden said he thought about disclosing the program sooner but was hopeful the election of President Barack Obama would change things. But "[Obama] continued with the policies of his predecessor," Snowden said.

Last week, the president defended the NSA program as essential to national security.

"It's important to recognize that you can't have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience," Obama said. "We're going to have to make some choices as a society. And what I can say is that in evaluating these programs, they make a difference in our capacity to anticipate and prevent possible terrorist activity."

Snowden, who enlisted in the U.S. Army in 2003 hoping to fight in the Iraq war only to be discharged after breaking his legs in a training accident, told the Guardian, "We have to decide why terrorism is a new threat. There has always been terrorism."

On "Fox News Sunday," Sen. Rand Paul said he would seek a Supreme Court challenge to the surveillance program.

"I’m going to be asking all the Internet providers and all of the phone companies: Ask your customers to join me in a class action lawsuit," Paul said. "If we get 10 million Americans saying we don’t want our phone records looked at, then maybe someone will wake up and something will change in Washington."

Meanwhile, a petition urging the Obama administration to pardon Snowden was posted to the White House website on Sunday afternoon.

"Edward Snowden is a national hero and should be immediately issued a full, free, and absolute pardon for any crimes he has committed or may have committed related to blowing the whistle on secret NSA surveillance programs," the petition read 5.

By Sunday night, the Twitter hashtag "#IStandWithEdwardSnowden" was trending in the United States.


  1. 英文ニュースの見出し(headline)ではbe動詞、冠詞は省略されます。この場合は"NSA whistleblower was revealed as Edward Snowden..."とwasが省略されています。ということは動詞が過去形になっていた場合be動詞が省略なので、高い確率で受け身の文であるとわかります。また未来形は必ずbe toの形(予定)で表わされ、be動詞は省略ですから、単なる不定詞の形になってしまいます。例えば"Prime minister to visit U.S."のようにです。
  2. "in good conscience"「道義上」という副詞句です。単独の副詞なら直ぐに見分けがつきますが、句の形になるとどれがメインの動詞なのか判断しにくくなるので注意しましょう。また、日本人の感覚では副詞は文頭や文尾が自然に思われますが、ネイティブ・スピーカーにとっては文中や動詞の前に置かれる副詞のほうがソフィスティケートされた感じがするようです。be動詞と一般動詞で副詞の位置を迷った場合は"not"を思い出しましょう。notは典型的な副詞です。
  3. 動詞の前から突然クオーテーションマークが置かれています。ニュースではたまに見かける形です。この場合は事実の確信度が少し下がると思われます。クオーテーションマークについてはネイティブ・スピーカーも「どうしてこの場所についているのか?」わからない場合も多々あります。BBCなどはクオーテーションマークの使い過ぎだと非難を浴びています。このこのニュースの中でもう一つクオーテーションマークを挙げておきましたが、そちらは何と閉じのマークがありません...?不思議に思い既にネイティブの人に尋ねましたが、その人も不明だと言っていました。(これじゃ本当にシングル・クオーテーションマーク(´Д`))
  4. "have got"はhaveとまったく同じものです。"I've got to go"といえば"have to"ですから「もう、おいとましなきゃ」となります。
  5. predispositionは英和辞典で調べると「性質」としか意味が書いてありません。しかし英英辞典で調べると"a condition that makes sb/sth likely to behave in a particular way..."と書いてあります。「何かや誰かが特有なふるまいをしそうにさせる状態or条件」です。すなわち「前もって仕向けられた条件」とでもいえるでしょうか。英和辞典を鵜呑みにするのはやめましょう。ある程度英語を学べば英語のニュアンスがつかめてくるはずです。自分を信じましょう!
  6. このreadは自動詞です。日本の義務教育範囲では「注意すべき自動詞」としてしか習いませんが、実際には「中間動詞」という名前があります。中間動詞の特徴としては、他動詞のときのSVOのOが主語になっても今度は自動詞の文として成り立ち、「~れる」という自発(自発が難しかったら可能でもいいと思う)の意味を含むようになる、というものです。例えば"sell, read, drive, handle, cut, wash, drink, pour, spray, iron..."などがあります。語尾にwellなどの副詞や副詞句を伴うことが多いようです。分かりにくいので例文を挙げておきます。
    I sell the books.(私は本を売る) ⇒ The books sell well.(その本はよく売れる)
    Butter cuts easily. (The scissors cut well.もある)
    This car drives better than that one.
    The books sell like hot cakes.(=madly)

whistleblower  内部告発者、密告者
surveilance  監視
classify ~を秘密にする、分類する
code 規約、規則
core values 基本的価値観
investigation 調査
press pool 報道室(=press room)
commitment 約束、責務
dissent 異議、意見の相違
distraction 気を散らすもの、娯楽
render ~を提供する
third-partner 第三者(の)
paranoid 誇大妄想的な
consulate 領事館
legitimately 合法的に
transparency 透明性
deport 追放する
asylum 亡命、避難
encompass ~を包含する、取り囲む
stand up for ~をかばう、支持する
blast ~を爆破する、(声を)張り上げる
prosecute 告訴する
accompanying 同封の
predecessor 前任者
make a difference 一石を投じる、重要である
anticipate ~を予期する
Sen. 上院議員(senator)
petition 請願書
hashtag twitterでハッシュマーク(#)を使い発言内に「#○○」と入れて投稿すると、その記号つきの発言が検索画面などで一覧できるようになり、同じイベントの参加者や、同じ経験、同じ興味を持つ人のさまざまな意見が閲覧しやすくなる。

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