LDP policy chief retracts Fukushima comments

The Japan Timesからです。
それにしても酷い発言です。これが与党の政調会長です。英語で政調会長をなんというか? policy chiefです。説明しなくても単語の意味合い分かりますね。日本のpolicy chief?多分、大学を出たばかりの官僚1年生でももっと正しい判断、言うべきでないこと等、分かるでしょう。原子炉の爆発事故でも作業員が亡くなっていますし、記事に書いてある通り、その後何人もの人が関連することで亡くなっています。計画停電で信号機が突然消え、交通事故で亡くなった人だっています。そしてまだ誰も自覚していませんが、チェルノブイリの時のように、今後癌での死亡率、幼児への影響等計り知れないことがかなりあるのです。。。。常識を知らないし、空気も読めないし。。。確かにLDPの政調会長にぴったりかもしれませんが。

LDP policy chief retracts Fukushima comments BY REIJI YOSHIDA
JUN 20, 2013

Facing flak from both the opposition — and her own party — Sanae Takaichi, policy chief for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, retracted earlier remarks that no one was killed in the 2011 Fukushima meltdowns and that the government should restart reactors nationwide.

Takaichi told reporters Wednesday that she would retract all of the remarks she made Monday during a speech in Kobe, adding that it was up to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to decide her fate.

Abe, who was later briefed on1 the matter during his diplomatic trip in Europe, said he would keep Takaichi in the position, but warned her against making remarks “that could cause misunderstandings,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.

Abe and Suga have apparently2 rushed to stave off any political damage from the controversial remarks ahead of a critical Upper House election next month.

In the wake of Takaichi’s comments, Suga contacted her several times to discuss the matter, a government source said.

“It’s true (her words) caused misunderstanding,” Suga said. “A politician should be careful not to make any remarks that could lead to misunderstandings.”

No deaths have been confirmed to be directly related to the massive amount of radioactive materials spewed from the Fukushima No. 1 plant’s wrecked reactors since the March 2011 triple meltdowns.

However, the hasty evacuation of elderly and hospitalized patients resulted in3 at least 70 deaths, and many other evacuees4 from Fukushima Prefecture died at shelters or killed themselves after the meltdowns.

Earlier the same day, the LDP’s Fukushima prefectural chapter submitted a letter of protest to party headquarters in Tokyo, saying Takaichi had ignored those victims as well as numerous Fukushima residents still unable to return to their hometowns because of dangerous levels of radiation.

Abe’s Cabinet has urged party executives and Cabinet ministers in particular to avoid any gaffes that could hurt their electoral chances since his first Cabinet in 2006 and 2007 suffered political setbacks after a rash of ministerial scandals.


  1. 知っていましたか?onにはaboutと同じく「~について」という意味があります。主に本等に使うことが多いです。a book on politicsのように。それからofもaboutと同じ場合が多々ありますよ。実はthink of, speak of, remind A of B, inform A of B...のofも全部そうです。
  2. 英語の副詞の重要性に気づいたら、中級以上と言っていいでしょう。apparently, seeminglyともに「見たところ~」と訳せばいいですが、意味合い的にはIt appears that... It seems that...とまったく同じです
  3. resultが動詞として使われるときは"result in"「~(の結果)に終わる」 "result from"「~から(結果として)生じる」があります。動詞+前置詞では前置詞によって意味が決定される場合が多々あります。
  4. evacuee「難民」です。--eeが付くと「される側の人」をあらわし、--erが付くと「する側の人」をあらわします。必ず対の関係があるとは限りませんが、employer ⇔ employee, interviewer ⇔ interviewee, nominator ⇔ nominee といった感じです。(この場合evacuerという単語はありません。)

flak 対空砲火、反対意見
policy chief 政調会長
ruling 権力の座にある、与党の
Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) 自由民主党
retract 撤回する
blief 要約する
Chief Cabinet Secretary 内閣官房長官
stave off 回避する
Upper House 上院(参議院)
in the wake of ~の結果として
wrecked 大破した
hasty 急な
evacuation 避難
chapter 支部、章
gaffe 失言、へま

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