

最近このブログに結構アメリカからの訪問者が多いということが分かったんだ。だから国家とネトウヨについて英語で書いたものを載せてみるよ。(音楽のオーシャンカラーシーンは今回まったく関係ありません :mrgreen:

Frst of all, I should tell you this is something political.

It's one of the most ridiculous existence in the world. It threatens every individuals' freedom and life. But there are still few people who are aware of its vice and doubt about it. Do you know what? It's a nation. Especially in case it is used as a tool by dictators who try to realize their ambitions it's the most dangerous. They will self-affirm every evil demeanor even if they change the current constitution. I can say the nations and those who in powers are the representations of humans' weaknesses. You can know it comparing to simple example that the weakest animals are always in crowds. I am obliged to say that the nations are just necessary evil in every respect.

And also have you ever heard the word netouyo? Now it's a very very popular word in Japan. It's a collective term that stands for people who show their very conservative opinions and ideas through the Internet. Actually most of them are in favor of current regime by PM Abe, like IamAbe. It's means they are really right-winged. Not knowing when but dribs and drabs they reproduce themselves through the Internet. This is just my opinion but they are not informed people. The reason why we have so many netouyo in Japan is they are just affected by Yomiuri or Sankei both of which are the most common newspaper which post the rather right-winged public opinions. I think netouyo is a good word to represent some of ignoble Japanese people and current perilous political situation. The word should be known more internationally like sushi. It's not so good as sushi but just fishy, though. ;D


Musicians: Ocean Colour Scene Genre: 90s, Mods, Rock

The Constitution of Japan


で、日本国憲法序文を訳してみた。自民や安部の解釈がいかに間違っているかをはっきりさせるために訳したよ。ちゃんと調べてはいなかったけど、やはり英語が原文だね。これはAlfred Hussey Papersというもの。








The Constitution of Japan/ 日本国憲法

We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. ① We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.
わたしたち日本人は、国会において正式に選ばれた代表を通して、自分自身や子孫のために世界の全ての人たちと平和的な協力の実りとこの土地全てで自由の祝福を確保することを明確にする。また決して、再び政府の行動による戦争恐怖の被害を被らないことを決意する。そして主権は人々にあることを宣言し、しっかりとこの憲法を制定する。政府は人々の神聖な委託物であり、人々のために得られた権威であり、人々の代表によって行使される力であり、人々によって得られる恩恵である。これは人類の宇宙的な普遍でありその上にこの憲法は設立されているのだ。① わたしたちはこれとは矛盾する全ての憲法、法律、条例、修正を拒絶し破棄する。

We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship, and we have determined ② to preserve our security and existence, ③ trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society ④ striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.
わたしたち日本人はいつでも平和を望み、理想的な人間関係の統制を強く意識している。そしてわたしたちは③ 世界中の平和を愛する人々の正義と真実性を信じ ② わたしたちの安全と存在を守ることを明確にする。 わたしたちは国際社会で④ 平和維持のため、独裁や奴隷制、抑圧や不寛容をなくすよう頑張り、名誉ある地位を得ることを望む。わたしたちゅは世界中の全ての人々が恐怖や貧困なく平和に生きる権利を持っていることを認識している。

We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.

We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.


So you can RRRRReturn. ほぼほぼ!


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Musicians: Hiatus Kaiyote Genre: 10s, Alternative, Jazz