Tag Archive for Interpreting an English Text

Barking Up The Family Tree: American Dogs Have Surprising Genetic Roots

nprからです。昨今日本ではチワワはペットとして大人気ですね。そしてチワワは純粋なアメリカ種の血統を保っているようです。私も犬と猫を飼うのが往年の夢です。犬は大人しいラブラドールのような大型種、猫は黒い子猫がいい :oops:です。


Barking Up The Family Tree: American Dogs Have Surprising Genetic Roots
by RHITU CHATTERJEE July 10, 2013 5:29 PM

America is as much1 of a melting pot for dogs as1 it is for their human friends. Walk through any dog park and you'll find a range of breeds from Europe, Asia, even Australia and mutts and mixes of every kind.

But a few indigenous breeds in North America have a purer pedigree — at least one has genetic roots in the continent that stretch back 1,000 years or more, according to a new study. These modern North American breeds 2 including that current urban darling, the Chihuahua2 descended from the continent's original canine inhabitants and have not mixed much with European breeds.

"There is ... archaeological and historical evidence that the native peoples of the Americas had dogs," says Peter Savolainen, an evolutionary geneticist at the KTH-Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and an author of the new study3. When humans first came to the Americas from Asia, they're thought to have brought with them dogs, whose descendants populated North and South America for centuries.

But those dogs didn't fare too well once Christopher Columbus got here. "It's known that most of these dogs were eradicated when Europeans arrived in America," says Savolainen. Pathogens the Europeans brought killed humans and dogs alike4, he says.

Any canines that survived are thought to have interbred with European dogs over time. Most researchers have assumed that today's dogs would have little5 trace of their ancient American ancestry.

To find out if that was indeed the case, Savolainen and his colleagues looked at the mitochondrial DNA of a handful of modern breeds with indigenous origins. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the mother and remains relatively unchanged over generations. By looking at the mitochondrial DNA sequence, one can get a peek at the ancient maternal ancestry. "You can go back in time as far as tens of thousands of years," Savolainen says.

He and his colleagues looked in particular at the maternal lineage of the Inuit sled dog, the Alaskan malamute, the Greenland dog, the Chihuahua, the Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican hairless dog), Perro Sín Pelo del Peru (Peruvian hairless dog) and a range of strays from North and South America. The scientists compared the DNA sequences of these dogs with those of hundreds of dogs from Europe and Asia.

Savolainen expected to find a strong European influence on these breeds, but he was surprised.

Except for some of the stray dogs and the Alaskan malamute, "they have very little5 influence of European dogs in these breeds," he says. "So they have been kept pretty pure."

When he and his team compared the sequences of the relatively6 unchanged breeds with those of 19 ancient dog sequences found across the two American continents, he was even more surprised. One breed — the Chihuahua — had a portion of DNA that was an exact match to that of an ancient dog.

"We have exactly the same unique DNA type in Mexico 1,000 years ago and in modern Chihuahua," Savolainen says. This suggests that at least this particular breed had genetic roots stretching back before the arrival of Europeans.

In addition, most American breeds in the study had a lot in common with present-day dogs from East Asia, he says. This genetic similarity is because the indigenous American breeds descended from the first dogs that traveled from Asia to the Americas.

Maternal ancestry, of course, can't tell the whole story, Savolainen says, and mitochondria trace the genetic lineage only through mothers.

But the evidence does show many modern North American dogs continue to carry a significant genetic signature from their distant past, he says. And that means that, like distinct languages, they're very much the products of the indigenous human cultures that created the breeds.

"These are [a] remaining part of the indigenous cultures — the Indian and Inuit culture — in America," Savolainen says. "And that makes it more important that these populations ... are preserved."


  1. "as much A as B"は「Bと同じくらいの量のA」という比較級の熟語です。比較級の熟語はこの他にも沢山あります。しかも比較級の熟語は同じような単語ばかり出てくるので非常に混同しやすいです。更にその割には実際の長文にはさほどは出てこない :(。一生懸命覚えても苦労があまり報われない。しかし、それはそれ。TOEICで800以上を目指すつもりならしっかり覚えましょう。
  2. ここはハイフンを使った挿入句です。挿入句を読むときのコツはハイフン部は無視してその前と後ろで文をつなげて読みましょう。それに意味的にハイフン部分が加わると考えればいいでしょう。この場合なら、"These modern North American breeds descended from the continent's original..."「これらの近代北アメリカ種は大陸のオリジナル種からの系統をひいている...例えば現状の都市犬、可愛いチワワのように...」となるわけです。
  3. Peter Savolainenという人をコンマ以下が全部説明しているだけです。論文やニュースなどでは客観性を重視するために人物を紹介した時はかなり長く説明されます。しかし本文内容とはあまり関係ない時が多いので、そういうものだということを知っておきましょう。
  4. "Pathogens the Europeans brought killed humans and dogs alike"この文のメインの動詞が分かるでしょうか?
    そう、killedです。pathogens(病原菌)の後ろに関係代名詞whichが隠れています。そしてその関係代名詞節はbroughtで終わってしまっています。後ろには"A and B alike"「AもBも同様に」という熟語があります。よって訳は「ヨーロッパ人が運んできた病原菌は人間と同様に犬も殺した」となります。メインの動詞をしっかりと把握しましょう
  5. aのついていないlittleは「ほとんど~ない」という否定語句です。aのついていないfewも同じです。いつも意識して訳しましょう。
  6. このrelativelyは「ひかくてき」です。副詞を知ることは中級以上の英語学習では非常に大切です。副詞はなるべく簡潔に訳すことです。勿論わざと難しい言葉ではったりを噛ましたい...なんてときもあるでしょうが、自分で訳して意味が分からないのでは困ります。例えば
    alternatively ⇒×「二者択一的に」 ○「あるいは」
    arguably  ⇒×「議論の余地はあるが」 ○「おそらく」
    exclusively  ⇒×「排他的に」 ○「もっぱら」
    relatively  ⇒×「相対的に」 ○「ひかくてき」
    virtually  ⇒×「仮想現実的に」 ○「ほぼ」

barking up the family tree "bark up the wrong tree"「見当違いをする:猟犬が間違った気を吠えたことから」と懸けてあります。
melting pot (人種の)るつぼ
breed 種族
mutt 犬っころ
pedigree 血統
darling 可愛い人
descended from ~の血をひく
canine 犬、犬歯
descendant 子孫、末裔
populate ~に生息させる
fare やっていく
eradicate 全滅させる
pathogen 病原体
interbreed 異種交配する
DNA sequence DNA配列
as far as はるか~
tens of thousands 何万も
lineage 血統、血筋
Inuit  イヌイット
sled dog そり犬
malamute マラミュート犬
except for ~以外
in common with ~と共通

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Records underestimate radiation exposure in Fukushima workers



オレンジ色マーカー部分...due to a shortage of measuring devicesですって。年間6兆円もの売上高の企業がね~。そして恒例の下請け会社への罪のなすり付けです。結局いつも得をするのは現状の既得権益の上にあぐらをかいて座ってる連中ばかり(`д´)。

Records underestimate radiation exposure in Fukushima workers
July 06, 2013 By TOSHIO TADA/ Staff Writer

The test records of 479 workers at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant contained false documentation on the amount of internal radiation they were exposed to, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said July 5.

The records of 452 of them have since been1 revised upward by a maximum of 48.9 millisieverts, according to health officials. The records of the rest were revised downward.

The ministry said Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant operator, failed to follow government instruction to make sure that its employees and contractors followed proper calculation protocol and that inadequate methods were employed to estimate the amount of internal exposure.

In March, records of external exposure were found to be in error by up to several millisieverts in 63 individuals.

The revised internal exposure calculations recorded 50 millisieverts in 24 people by the end of March 2013. Six people topped 100 millisieverts.

The maximum dose limit for nuclear plant workers by law is set at 100 millisieverts over2 a five-year period. At least two individuals continued to work after reaching that limit.

The latest3 findings increase concerns over2 the health effects from radiation following the revelations that workers received much greater exposure than originally reported.

About 20,000 individuals had worked at the stricken nuclear plant by the end of 2011, nine months after the reactor meltdowns.

Protocol calls for4 individuals to be tested at the first sign of internal exposure. But radiation levels were not taken for several months after initial exposure due to a shortage of measuring devices, though in principle, the workers should have been tested immediately.

According to the findings by the health ministry, the erroneous documentation partially assumed that radioactive substances entered the body at midpoint during the work period. But according to accepted protocol for nuclear emergencies, when the exact date of the first exposure is not available, the calculations should assume that the intake took place at the beginning of the work period.

Input errors were also found in other cases.

The now-defunct Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency instructed TEPCO in July 2011 to set official calculation rules, which the utility failed to carry out scrupulously. Academics and others pointed out the possibility of inaccurate exposure calculations, which TEPCO never seriously investigated.

There was similar inaction on the part of the government. It began delving into the matter only this year after the United Nations organization tasked with studying the effects of radiation raised questions about the records.

Neither TEPCO nor the health ministry has come forward to take responsibility for the discrepancies.

"We have notified our employees and contractors of the rules, and we believed they were observing them," a TEPCO official said. "We have done all in our power we can do."

Health ministry officials say they believed that TEPCO was making sure the rules were observed.


  1. sinceは前置詞ならば「~以来」という一般的な訳し方以外に、接続詞では「~ので(=as)」、副詞ではこの場合のように「have+since+過去分詞」の形で「その後~」という意味もあります。前に書いた記事「接続詞のfor...」をご覧ください。
  2. overはいつも「~にわたって」と訳すと上手く訳せますよ。"I had studied over the weekend." "We discussed a concern over the issue."
  3. latestはlateの最上級です。lateはlate(時)<later<latest、late(順序)<latter<lastと二通りの比較級変化します。が、そういう問題ではなく正直、それぞれ別個の単語として覚えてしまった方が簡単です。late「遅い」、later「その後」、latest「最新の」、latter「後者の」、last「最後の」、lately「最近」
  4. 「~を要求する」"call for=ask for=call on"です。同じ意味の熟語はまとめて覚えてしまいましょう。

underestimate 過小評価する
crippled 動作不能になった、障害のある
millisieverte ミリシーベルト
revise 見直す、改訂する
internal exposure 内部被曝
external exposure 外部被曝
in error 間違って
top 上回る
revelation 新事実
in principle 原則として
erroneous 間違った
midpoint 中間点
carry out 実行する
scrupulously 几帳面に
investigate 調査する
inaction 怠惰、何もしないこと
delve 徹底的に調べる
come forward 前向きに取り組む

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Exposure data wrong for 16,000 in Fukushima...

Japan Timesからです。当たり前のようにこういう事実が出てきますね。ある人がYouTubeで解説していました。"Some people may wanna go conspiracy theory on this...This is done on purpose as the way to cover with the data...It's pretty clear, it's corporatism."このcorporatismの意味、辞書で調べれば単に「協調組合主義」などと出てくると思います。例えば人が微笑んでいればどんな人でも優しく見えますね。でも学問の真の目的は表面を見るためではありません。行動や思想を体系とし分類し、物の真底、本質を見極めるためのものです。英語学習も同じです。「協調組合主義、素晴らしい!」では何の役にも立ちません。英単語を知ると同時に本を読み思想を知ることは大切です。私ならこのcorporatismは「大政翼賛会的思想」と訳します。

Exposure data wrong for 16,000 in Fukushima
KYODO JUN 26, 2013

FUKUSHIMA – Fukushima Prefecture and the National Institute of Radiological Sciences have said they erroneously estimated the radiation exposure of 16,118 people in a survey covering the first four months after the outbreak of the March 2011 disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

Among the roughly 420,000 people authorities have so far finished compiling data on, recalculations show 12,469 received higher doses and 3,649 lower doses than previously estimated.

The margins for revisions range from plus 0.4 millisievert to minus 0.2 millisievert. As a result of the revisions, it was learned1 that some people were exposed to more than 1 millisievert — the annual limit set by the government for ordinary citizens.

People polled were asked to answer in detail where they were between March 12 and July 11, 2011.

Based2 on their whereabouts, the institute estimated their cumulative amount of external exposure by adding up daily radiation levels measured at their locations over the four months.

Used as reference were3 actual radiation readings at a number of monitoring posts in the prefecture as well as projections of the spread of radioactive substances by the SPEEDI computer simulation system.
But in some cases, the dates in the survey failed to match those in the reference data.


  1. learnには「学ぶ」という意味以外に「知る、分かる」という意味があります。普段日常会話で使われるのは、どちらかというとこの意味でが多いのです。
  2. 過去分詞の分詞構文です。過去分詞の分詞構文はその前にBeingが省略されている元は受け身の分詞構文と考えられます。また分詞構文の主語は主節の主語となるのが普通ですが、この場合の"Based on"などのようにほぼ熟語化してしまった語句では関係無く決まり文句で使ってしまいます。
  3. これは日本人にとっては一番苦手なものではないでしょうか?倒置です。この場合は「受け身」の倒置です。強調のため受け身の過去分詞が文頭に出ています。そしてそれにつられてbe動詞が主語より前に出ています。実際はこの「be動詞前に出る...」が本当の倒置部分です。強調したい語が文頭に出たために、それにつられてbe動詞、助動詞、完了のhave等が主語の前に出る。よくあるのは否定の副詞が文頭に出た時、前置詞句が文頭に出た時、ifの省略の時などです。この文のもとの形はこうです。"Actual radiation readings at a number of monitoring posts in the prefecture as well as projections of the spread of radioactive substances were used as reference..."

conspiracy 陰謀
erroneously 誤って
radiation exposure 放射線被曝
margin 差、余白、余地
revision 修正
millisievert ミリシーベルト
poll 世論調査する
cumulative 累積する
projection 放射
substance 物質


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LDP policy chief retracts Fukushima comments

The Japan Timesからです。
それにしても酷い発言です。これが与党の政調会長です。英語で政調会長をなんというか? policy chiefです。説明しなくても単語の意味合い分かりますね。日本のpolicy chief?多分、大学を出たばかりの官僚1年生でももっと正しい判断、言うべきでないこと等、分かるでしょう。原子炉の爆発事故でも作業員が亡くなっていますし、記事に書いてある通り、その後何人もの人が関連することで亡くなっています。計画停電で信号機が突然消え、交通事故で亡くなった人だっています。そしてまだ誰も自覚していませんが、チェルノブイリの時のように、今後癌での死亡率、幼児への影響等計り知れないことがかなりあるのです。。。。常識を知らないし、空気も読めないし。。。確かにLDPの政調会長にぴったりかもしれませんが。

LDP policy chief retracts Fukushima comments BY REIJI YOSHIDA
JUN 20, 2013

Facing flak from both the opposition — and her own party — Sanae Takaichi, policy chief for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, retracted earlier remarks that no one was killed in the 2011 Fukushima meltdowns and that the government should restart reactors nationwide.

Takaichi told reporters Wednesday that she would retract all of the remarks she made Monday during a speech in Kobe, adding that it was up to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to decide her fate.

Abe, who was later briefed on1 the matter during his diplomatic trip in Europe, said he would keep Takaichi in the position, but warned her against making remarks “that could cause misunderstandings,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.

Abe and Suga have apparently2 rushed to stave off any political damage from the controversial remarks ahead of a critical Upper House election next month.

In the wake of Takaichi’s comments, Suga contacted her several times to discuss the matter, a government source said.

“It’s true (her words) caused misunderstanding,” Suga said. “A politician should be careful not to make any remarks that could lead to misunderstandings.”

No deaths have been confirmed to be directly related to the massive amount of radioactive materials spewed from the Fukushima No. 1 plant’s wrecked reactors since the March 2011 triple meltdowns.

However, the hasty evacuation of elderly and hospitalized patients resulted in3 at least 70 deaths, and many other evacuees4 from Fukushima Prefecture died at shelters or killed themselves after the meltdowns.

Earlier the same day, the LDP’s Fukushima prefectural chapter submitted a letter of protest to party headquarters in Tokyo, saying Takaichi had ignored those victims as well as numerous Fukushima residents still unable to return to their hometowns because of dangerous levels of radiation.

Abe’s Cabinet has urged party executives and Cabinet ministers in particular to avoid any gaffes that could hurt their electoral chances since his first Cabinet in 2006 and 2007 suffered political setbacks after a rash of ministerial scandals.


  1. 知っていましたか?onにはaboutと同じく「~について」という意味があります。主に本等に使うことが多いです。a book on politicsのように。それからofもaboutと同じ場合が多々ありますよ。実はthink of, speak of, remind A of B, inform A of B...のofも全部そうです。
  2. 英語の副詞の重要性に気づいたら、中級以上と言っていいでしょう。apparently, seeminglyともに「見たところ~」と訳せばいいですが、意味合い的にはIt appears that... It seems that...とまったく同じです
  3. resultが動詞として使われるときは"result in"「~(の結果)に終わる」 "result from"「~から(結果として)生じる」があります。動詞+前置詞では前置詞によって意味が決定される場合が多々あります。
  4. evacuee「難民」です。--eeが付くと「される側の人」をあらわし、--erが付くと「する側の人」をあらわします。必ず対の関係があるとは限りませんが、employer ⇔ employee, interviewer ⇔ interviewee, nominator ⇔ nominee といった感じです。(この場合evacuerという単語はありません。)

flak 対空砲火、反対意見
policy chief 政調会長
ruling 権力の座にある、与党の
Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) 自由民主党
retract 撤回する
blief 要約する
Chief Cabinet Secretary 内閣官房長官
stave off 回避する
Upper House 上院(参議院)
in the wake of ~の結果として
wrecked 大破した
hasty 急な
evacuation 避難
chapter 支部、章
gaffe 失言、へま

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NSA leaks: US charges Edward Snowden with spying...


NSA leaks:1US charges Edward Snowden with spying

The US justice department has filed2 criminal charges2 against a fugitive ex-intelligence analyst who leaked details of a secret surveillance operation.

The charges against ex-National Security Agency (NSA) analyst Edward Snowden include espionage and theft of government property.

In May, Mr Snowden fled to Hong Kong after leaking details of a programme3 to monitor phone and internet data.

The US is also reported to be preparing an extradition request.

His leaks revealed that US agencies had systematically gathered vast amounts of phone and web data.

The criminal complaint2 was lodged2 with a federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia, court documents show, and a provisional2 arrest warrant2 had been issued, officials said.

Mr Snowden was charged with theft of government property, unauthorised communication of national defence information and wilful3 communication of classified communications intelligence.

Each of the charges carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence2. The complaint is dated 14 June although it was made public only on Friday.

Mr Snowden left a hotel in Hong Kong on 10 June after allowing newspapers to name him as the source of the leaks. His current whereabouts are unknown.

In the US, the charges were welcomed by Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"I've always thought this was a treasonous act,'' he said in a statement. "I hope Hong Kong's government will take him into custody and extradite him to the US."

However, some Hong Kong politicians have voiced support for Mr Snowden.

Left-wing MP Leung Kwok-hung said Beijing should tell the authorities to protect him from extradition, and the people of the territory should "take to the streets" to shelter him.

The BBC's Juliana Liu in Hong Kong says Beijing is highly unlikely to interfere in the early stages of what could be a long legal battle.

Julian Assange, founder of the Wikileaks organisation, also issued a statement supporting Mr Snowden.

"The US government is spying on each and every one of us, but it is Edward Snowden who is charged with espionage for tipping us off," said Mr Assange, who has been living in Ecuador's London embassy for the past year, fighting extradition to Sweden for questioning on alleged2 sex offences.

Beijing influence

Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of China, signed an extradition treaty with the US in 1998.

It has a separate legal system from the Chinese mainland, and Mr Snowden's right of appeal2 could drag out any future extradition proceedings for several years.

In a news conference on Saturday, Hong Kong police declined to comment on a local newspaper report that he is staying in a police safe house.

"According to Hong Kong's current system, if a jurisdiction that has signed the mutual legal assistance treaty has issued a request, then the Hong Kong government will treat it in accordance with4 current Hong Kong laws and systems," said police commissioner Andy Tsang.



  1. 英文ニュースの見出しにコロン(:)があった場合、以下の4パターンどれかにあたります。1.~に関して(regarding...) 2.~によると(according to...) 3.~は言った(..said) 4.単なるカテゴリー品目。この場合は1の「~に関して」です。
  2. 法律用語になると普段とはちょっと違う意味合いが出てきます。法律用語で難しいからと避けるわけにはいきません。特にニュースなどを読むときは知っていると格段に理解が変わりますので覚えたほうが良いでしょう。思いつくものを列挙しておきます。
    file(提訴する), lodge(告訴する), appeal(上訴する), suit(控訴), complaint(告訴状),  warrant(~状), provisional(仮~),alleged(~疑惑の), attempted(~未遂の), sentence(判決、判決を下す), convict(~に有罪判決を下す),detain(拘留する), execute(~を執行する), probation(執行猶予), prescription(時効), penalty(刑), settlement(和解), charge(容疑), suspicion(容疑), plaintiff(原告), defendant(被告), prosecutor(検事), juror(陪審員), judge(裁判官), court(法廷), trial(裁判)...
  3. イギリス英語とアメリカ英語で綴りに微妙に違いがあるものがあります。注意しましょう。完璧に知る必要はないと思いますが、知識として知っておかないといざとなったとき戸惑ってしまいます。日本人にとってはアメリカ英語がベーシックですから、注意すべきイギリス英語の綴りをいくつか列挙しておきます。よく見ると特徴がありますよ。
    behaviour (behavior), honour (honor), colour (color), centre (center), theatre (theater), programme (program), kirogramme, (kirogram), criticise (criticize), realise (realize), practise (practice), cosy (cozy), wilful (willful), enrol (enroll), cheque (check), kerb (curb), mould (mold), dreamt (dreamed), learnt (learned)...
  4. "in accordance with"は「~によると」です。これも同じ意味合いはまとめて覚えてしまいましょう。学校のテキストに出てきたら一つ一つ別個に覚える...は今の学校教育の一番の問題点です。「教科書に載っていることだけを覚えればいい」は単に文部科学省の理屈です 👿 。英語習得にはまったく通用しません。in accordance with= according to= as per 「~によれば」です

file 提出する、提訴する
fugitive 逃亡中の
surveillance 監視
espionage スパイ行為、諜報
extradition 送還、身柄引き渡し
complaint 告訴状、不平
lodge 申し立てる、小屋
provisional 仮の
arrest warreant 逮捕状
wilful(willful) 意図的な
whereabout 所在
treasonous 反逆の
take into custody 拘留する
extradite 送還する
territory 領土
take to the streets 街頭でデモをする
tip off 密告する
alleged 疑わしい~、申し立てられた~
offence 違反
Special Administrative Region 特別行政区
drag out 長引かせる
news conference 記者会見
jurisdiction 管轄区域、司法権
in accordance with ~によれば

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