
Yokohama recalls texts describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans

Japantimes 2013/08/29


Yokohama recalls texts describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans
KYODO AUG 29, 2013

The stir caused by a textbook’s descriptions of the mass lynching of Koreans following the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake has prompted Yokohama’s board of education to order schools to collect the books from students.

In an unprecedented move, the board ordered municipal junior high schools to recall the 2012 edition of the book, a supplementary text, saying the use of the word “massacre” “can cause a misunderstanding.” The term has also been criticized by some historians.

Immediately after the Sept. 1, 1923, earthquake in the Kanto region, unconfirmed rumors spread that Koreans were rioting and committing acts of sabotage. Based on the rumors, the army, police and vigilantes killed many Koreans, as well as Chinese and Japanese mistaken for Koreans. It’s unclear because of the chaos how many were killed, but it’s thought the slayings1 topped 6,000 in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture alone2.

Previous editions of the text, titled “Wakaru Yokohama” (“Understanding Yokohama”) and edited by the board, said “some members of the vigilante corps killed Koreans.” The book was first published in 2009.

However, the edition distributed in May 2012 states that “the military, the police and vigilante groups persecuted and massacred Koreans.” It also shows a picture of a cenotaph erected by Japanese as an expression of apology.

The revised entry made media headlines at home as well as in South Korea and China.

In July 2012, a municipal assembly member from the Liberal Democratic Party took up the issue during a session, saying: “It could affect historical concepts in our country and diplomatic relations. It is not a matter only for Yokohama.”

The board of education’s chairman at the time pledged to revise the edition and recall the books already distributed.

The board later reprimanded the person in charge of the revision, criticizing the decision-making process as inappropriate. The 2013 edition reinstated the description and a recall was begun of the 2012 version.

The board also twice instructed school principals to collect all the books and ask students who did not obey their reasons why.

On Wednesday, historians submitted a petition to Yokohama asking that the decision to recall the books be reversed.


  1. slyings、なんだか不思議に思いませんか?そうです動名詞に複数のsがついています。動詞が名詞になったからといって普通は複数にはなりません。動名詞にsをつけられるのは、一部の完全に名詞化してしまった動名詞です。例えばpaintings, drawings, belongings, savings, earnings, openings, human beings...ただし動名詞は正直そう簡単ではありません。例えば動名詞は副詞で修飾しますか、それとも名詞で修飾しますか?下に例を出しますが、同じ単語の動名詞でも使われ方によっては副詞で修飾し(即ち動詞的動名詞)、あるいは形容詞で修飾(即ち名詞的動名詞)があるのです。以下はTOEIC公式問題集からです。

    a. The position of shipping clerk requires ------ lifting of packages weighing over twenty kilograms.
    (A) repeats
    (B) repeated
    (C) repeatedly
    (D) will repeat

    b. Shipping clerk can finish the job without ------ lifting packages.
    (A) repeats
    (B) repeated
    (C) repeatedly
    (D) will repeat

    a問題の答えはBです。b問題の答えはCです。同じliftingという動名詞なのに。。。何故か分かりますか?本当は自分で調べる課題としたいところですが 😯 、とくに私の生徒には 😆 。。。。多分鋭い人ならきっと分かってくれると思います。
    a問題のliftingはofがついてしまっています。ということは完全に名詞としての扱いになります。その他にも冠詞がついたりすれば完全に名詞扱いです。だから形容詞や分詞で修飾しているのです。一方b問題のliftingは目的語を伴っています。まだ動詞扱いです。だから副詞での修飾なのです。きっと英語に熱心な人ならこの説明を聞いて「ラッキー 💡 」と思ってくれると思います。いいえこちらこそ :mrgreen:
  2. aloneはonlyと同じく「~だけ」という意味で使われます。aloneは後置修飾で使われます。aloneは普通叙述用法の形容詞ですが、この場合は限定用法?と思ったのですが、辞書を調べたところ、これでも叙述用法と書いてありました 😯 。

stir 動揺
lynch リンチ
prompt 引き起こす、駆りたてる
board of education 教育委員会
collect 集める
unprecedented 前例のない
municipal 地方自治の、公立の
supplementary text 補助教科書、副読本
sabotage 破壊行為
vigilante 自警団員
top ~を上回る
persecute 迫害する
cenotaph 慰霊碑
at home 国内で
municipal assembly 市議会
pledge 堅く誓う
reprimand 懲戒する
reinstate もとに戻す
petition 嘆願書

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Fukushima leak is 'much worse than we were led to believe'


Fishing off Fukushima suspended for indefinite period (Japan Times)
Rate of radioactive flow to Pacific alarming (Japan Times)

Fukushima leak is 'much worse than we were led to believe'
By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News

A nuclear expert has told the BBC that he believes the current water leaks at Fukushima are much worse than the authorities have stated.

Mycle Schneider is an independent consultant who has previously advised the French and German governments.

He says water is leaking out all over the site and there are no accurate figures for radiation levels.

Meanwhile the chairman of Japan's nuclear authority said that he feared there would be further leaks.

The ongoing problems at the Fukushima plant increased in recent days when the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) admitted that around 300 tonnes of highly radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank on the site.

Moment of crisis

The Japanese nuclear energy watchdog raised the incident level from one to three on the international scale that measures the severity of atomic accidents.

This was an acknowledgement that1 the power station was in its greatest crisis since the reactors melted down after the tsunami in 2011.

But some nuclear experts are concerned that the problem is a good deal2 worse than either Tepco or the Japanese government are willing to admit.

They are worried about the enormous quantities of water, used to cool the reactor cores, which are now being stored on site.

Some 1,000 tanks have been built to hold the water. But these are believed to be at around 85% of their capacity and every day an extra 400 tonnes of water are being added.

"The quantities of water they are dealing with are absolutely gigantic," said Mycle Schneider, who has consulted widely for a variety of organisations and countries on nuclear issues.

"What is the worse is the water leakage everywhere else - not just from the tanks. It is leaking out from the basements, it is leaking out from the cracks all over the place. Nobody can measure that.

"It is much worse than we have been led to believe, much worse," said Mr Schneider, who is lead author for the World Nuclear Industry status reports.

At news conference, the head of Japan's nuclear regulation authority Shunichi Tanaka appeared to give credence to Mr Schneider's concerns, saying that he feared there would be further leaks.

``We should assume that what has happened once could happen again, and prepare for more. We are in a situation where there is no time to waste," he told reporters.

The lack of clarity about the water situation and the continued attempts by Tepco to deny that water was leaking into the sea has irritated many researchers.

Dr Ken Buesseler is a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution who has examined the waters around Fukushima.

"It is not over yet by a long shot, Chernobyl was in many ways a one week fire-explosive event, nothing with the potential of this right on the ocean."

"We've been saying since 2011 that the reactor site is still leaking whether that's the buildings and the ground water or these new tank releases. There's no way to really contain all of this radioactive water on site."

"Once it gets into the ground water, like a river flowing to the sea, you can't really stop a ground water flow. You can pump out water, but how many tanks can you keep putting on site?"

Several scientists also raised concerns about the vulnerability of the huge amount of stored water on site to another earthquake.

New health concerns

The storage problems are compounded by the ingress of ground water, running down from the surrounding hills. It mixes with radioactive water leaking out of the basements of the reactors and then some of it leaches into the sea, despite the best efforts of Tepco to stem the flow.

Some of the radioactive elements like caesium that are contained in the water can be filtered by the earth. Others are managing to get through and this worries watching experts.

"Our biggest concern right now is if some of the other isotopes such as strontium 90 which tend to be more mobile, get through these sediments in the ground water," said Dr Buesseler.

"They are entering the oceans at levels that then will accumulate in seafood and will cause new health concerns."

There are also worries about the spent nuclear fuel rods that are being cooled and stored in water pools on site. Mycle Schneider says these contain far more radioactive caesium than3 was emitted during the explosion at Chernobyl.

"There is absolutely no guarantee that there isn't a crack in the walls of the spent fuel pools. If salt water gets in, the steel bars would be corroded. It would basically explode the walls, and you cannot see that; you can't get close enough to the pools," he said.

The "worsening situation" at Fukushima has prompted a former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland to call for the withdrawal of Tokyo's Olympic bid.

In a letter to the UN secretary general, Mitsuhei Murata says the official radiation figures published by Tepco cannot be trusted. He says he is extremely worried about the lack of a sense of crisis in Japan and abroad.

This view is shared by Mycle Schneider, who is calling for an international taskforce for Fukushima.

"The Japanese have a problem asking for help. It is a big mistake; they badly need it."

では英文の注意点を見ていきましょう(今回ちょっと時間が開いてしまいましたm(_ _)m)。青いマーカーと数字が附ってある部分です。下線付きの単語は下に意味を書いておきます。

  1. このthatは同格のthatです。文中でthatを見たときは1.代名詞、2.関係代名詞、3.that節(接続詞)、4.同格のthat(接続詞)の4つの可能性があります。どれも文法的にはっきり役割が違うものなのしっかり区別しましょう。
  2. "a good (great) deal"は比較級、最上級を修飾して「ずっと、はるかに」の意味になります。muchやby farと同じです。それから"a good (great) deal of"では「量」修飾する「たくさんの」となります。それに対して"a good (great, large, significant) number of"は「数」を修飾する「たくさんの」ですね。
  3. このthanは関係代名詞のthanです。as, but, thanは関係代名詞(あるいは擬似関係代名詞)になることがあります。その後に文の形が来るので分かりやすいと思います。ただし関係詞以下の文なので完全な形にはなっていません。thanの場合は「more + 名詞 + than + 文」の形をとる場合が多いようです。人によってはこれは接続詞だとか...色々な説があるようですが、所詮文法は後追いです。曖昧な部分は付きものですから、カテゴライズ出来ないなら深くは追求する必要はないでしょう。正直、重箱の隅をつつくような議論をする人にあまり英語が出来る人はいませんね :lol:。

ongoing 進行中の
severity 重大性
acknowledgement 承認、お礼
gigantic 巨大な
give credence to 信憑性を与える
by a long shot 決して(否定文で)
compound 組み合わせる
ingress 侵入
caesium セシウム(cesium)
isotope 同位体
strontium 90 ストロンチウム90
corrode 腐食する

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Panel to propose Japan help defend all allies, not just U.S.

まず国際大学(International University of Japan)なのですが、知りませんでした。類似名の大学があり過ぎですね。それから学長がこういった偏った思想の顧問員になっているというのは決定的に大学の評価の下がる要因になると思います。せっかく英語に力を入れてる大学なのに残念です。私個人のランキングですが、拓殖大学や国士舘大学と同等かなという感じです。世間の人はあまりご存じないと思いますが、上智大学や国際基督教大学の英語入試問題がその内容自体で、どんなに思想的リベラルなものか。国際と名のつく大学ならまず思想の段階で国際標準を知らなければいけないと思います。それからTOEIC750点では英語での授業は不可能だと思います。(この大学の学長が日本の未来を変えてしまうような提案をするの?日本人にはちゃんとノーベル賞を受賞した人だっていると思うのですけど。そういうものなの? 😯 )

Panel to propose Japan help defend all allies, not just U.S.
KYODO AUG 13, 2013
The government panel on security issues will propose that Japan help defend not only the United States but also other allied nations by exercising the right of collective self-defense, the panel’s acting chairman said Tuesday.

Shinichi Kitaoka, president of the International University of Japan, said in an interview that the panel will state in a forthcoming report that Japan can exercise the right when “countries with close ties (with it)” are under attack and it is deemed Japan could also come to harm.

Collective self-defense is the concept of a nation coming to the aid of another that is under attack.

Kitaoka indicated the panel will not specify which countries to defend as withholding such details would be helpful in maintaining deterrence.

“There needs to be some degree of vagueness when we talk about security,” Kitaoka said.

Some experts say Japan should extend its potential use of collective self-defense to such countries as Australia, the Philippines and India.

The panel, re-established by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is scheduled to meet Sept. 12 before compiling its conclusions by the end of the year that Japan should terminate its self-imposed ban on collective-self defense.

Kitaoka also suggested Japan can come to the aid of countries defending sea lanes to ensure oil transport from the Middle East, describing them as “lifelines.”

Japan has been particularly concerned about China’s assertiveness in the East China Sea over the Senkaku Islands. North Korea’s nuclear and missile development is also a concern.

Under the government’s current interpretation of the pacifist Constitution, Japan does not permit itself to exercise the right because doing so would go beyond self-defense.

In a 2008 report, a similar panel limited the use of collective-self defense to coming to the aid of the United States, saying Japan should be able to defend U.S. naval vessels attacked on the high seas, or intercept ballistic missiles targeting U.S. soil.


  1. 英文ニュースの見出しについては以前書きました。この場合は動詞と思しき部分にto不定詞が付いています。何でしたっけ?そうです。これは未来なのです。英文見出しではwillやbe going toで未来を表すことはなく、全て"be to"で未来を表すのです。be動詞は省略されますから、結局ただの不定詞になります。
  2. ally「同盟国」です。でも似た単語が沢山あるんですよ :(。羅列してみます。カタカナ発音も書いておきます。
    ally「同盟国:アライ」, allay「和らげる:アレイ」, alley「通路、ボウリング場:アリー」array「配列:アレイ」, a ray (of)「一筋の光線:アレイ」
  3. deem「思う」です。なぜ英語にはこんなに「思う」「考える」という単語が沢山あるのでしょうか?本当に嘆きたくなります。多分分類の仕方も工夫が必要だと思うのですが、とりあえず「思う」系と「熟考する」系で羅列します。
    思う: think, suppose, conceive(思いつく), deem, assume(想定する), presume(推測する), guess(推測する), surmise(推測する), reckon(オーストラリアで)
    熟考する: consider, reflect, deliberate, ponder, contemplate

government panel 政府の諮問機関
forthcoming 来るべき
deem ~を思う
collective self-defense 集団自衛
withhold ~を差し控える
deterrence 抑止力
vagueness 曖昧さ
self-imposed 自ら課した~
ban 禁止
assertiveness 自己主張すること
interpretation 解釈
pacifist Constitution 平和憲法
naval 海軍の
vessel 船
high seas 公海
intercept 迎撃する
ballistic 弾道の
soil 本土、土

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YouTube videos hold a sliver of hope for future elections



YouTube videos hold a sliver of hope for future elections


During the recent campaign for the Upper House, a YouTube video emerged revealing the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s attitude toward the electorate. A woman attending a rally in Fukushima by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe carried a placard that asked the LDP leader his stance on the nuclear energy controversy. LDP security confronted her and said that the rally was “not a place for protest but a place to listen.” Recording the conversation secretly, she explained that she wasn’t protesting. She just wanted Abe to state his position, but they confiscated the placard anyway and asked for her name and address. According to media reports, though she gave them her home address, they sent the placard to her workplace. As of this writing, the video has been viewed more than 88,000 times.

One doesn’t need a hidden camera to show the cynicism of the LDP campaign approach. The party’s most potent weapon was voter apathy, meaning the fewer who voted the better its chances. The media guaranteed this outcome by reporting that the LDP would win in a landslide, so people who opposed the party but weren’t necessarily vehement about it concluded that voting was a waste of time, and they stayed home.

Given this set of suppositions, it’s difficult to claim that the LDP has a mandate. All they have is the power to pass any law they want without much trouble. In post-election surveys support rates for the Abe administration have been on average 10 points lower than they were before the election.


electorate 選挙民
confront 直面する
confiscate 押収する
as of ~の時点で
cynicism 皮肉
apathy 無関心
vehement 熱心な
mandate 委任
