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Tepco gifted ¥120 million to university course run by NRA nominee: The Japan Times

JUN 7, 2014

Tokyo Electric Power Co. donated \120 million in the four years through fiscal 2011 to a nuclear fuel cycle course taught at the University of Tokyo by a professor who the government has now nominated as a Nuclear Regulation Authority commissioner, it was learned Saturday.

Satoru Tanaka’s nomination was submitted to the Diet by the government late last month.

The University of Tokyo’s department of nuclear engineering and management launched the course in fiscal 2008 to promote studies on the nuclear fuel cycle and train personnel able to work for programs to recycle spent fuel at nuclear plants.

According to records the university provided to Jiji Press and other sources following a disclosure request, Tepco initially offered to donate a total of \150 million to the course over five years through fiscal 2012. The university decided to accept \30 million per year, and Tanaka and other faculty members discussed how to use the funds.

The course, however, was terminated in September 2011 after Tepco proposed ending the donations in the aftermath of the triple meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 plant.

Of the \120 million that had been donated by the utility up to that point, the university that November returned \20.36 million it had not used.

A Tepco official explained that the company made the donations in order to support the development of talented people. Tanaka, who has also served as president of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan and as chairman of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, did not reply to a request for an interview.

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Article 9





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Musicians: Beatles Genre: 60s, Rock, Standard

Japan’s Dangerous Anachronism

The New York Times 2013/12/16: Japan's Dangerous Anachronism

外国の大部数発行メディア"mass-circulation media"が他国政府の批判をするというのは一種の内政干渉に成りうるので、そうそうあることではありません。単なる一記者の意見として書かせるのではなくこれは社説"editorial"として書かれていますから。原発再稼働のときもあまりこんな記事はありませんでした。世界の目では、安倍晋三はただ恥ずかしい男なだけではなくキム・ジョンウンと同様に危険人物でもあるようです。当の日本国民が分かっていないだけで世界の知識ある人達は自民党が相当右に傾いた党だと知っていますから。。。黄色マーカー部分が批判をよく表しているくだりです。

Japan’s Dangerous Anachronism
Published: December 16, 2013

The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this month rammed through Parliament a state secrecy law that signals a fundamental alteration of the Japanese understanding of democracy. The law is vaguely worded and very broad, and it will allow government to make secret anything that it finds politically inconvenient. Government officials who leak secrets can be jailed for up to 10 years, and journalists who obtain information in an “inappropriate” manner or even seek information that they do not know is classified can be jailed for up to five years. The law covers national security issues, and it includes espionage and terrorism.

Just before the passage of the law, the secretary general of the governing Liberal Democratic Party, Shigeru Ishiba, likened those legally demonstrating against the state secrecy law to terrorists in his blog on Nov. 29. This callous disregard of freedom of speech greatly raised suspicion of what the Abe government really has in mind. The Japanese public clearly seems to fear that the law will infringe on press freedom and personal liberties. In a public opinion poll conducted by the Kyodo News Agency, 82 percent of respondents said that the law should be repealed or revised.

Mr. Abe is, however, arrogantly dismissive of the public’s concerns. “The law does not threaten ordinary life,” he said after the law’s passage. Showing an alarming ignorance of democracy, Gen Nakatani, a senior member of the Liberal Democratic Party, stated that “the affairs of government are distinct from the affairs of the people.”

The law is an integral part of Mr. Abe’s crusade to remake Japan into a “beautiful country,” which envisions expanded government power over the people and reduced protection for individual rights — a strong state supported by a patriotic people. His stated goal is to rewrite the nation’s Constitution, which was imposed by the United States Army during occupation seven decades ago.

The Liberal Democratic Party’s draft constitution, made public in April last year, deletes the existing article on the guarantee of fundamental human rights. It adds that the people must respect the national flag and national anthem. It states, “The people shall be aware that duties and obligations accompany freedoms and rights and shall never violate the public order and public interest.” It also says that the prime minister will have the power to declare a state of emergency and suspend ordinary law.

Mr. Abe’s aim is to “cast off the postwar regime.” Critics in Japan warn that he is seeking to resurrect the pre-1945 state. It is a vision both anachronistic and dangerous.

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LDP secretary-general: Demonstration is terrorism

Japan Times 2013/12/01
河北新報社 2013/12/04
G.R.L. Tokyo (YouTube)




Secrecy law protests ‘act of terrorism’: LDP secretary-general

Citizens demonstrating against the controversial state secrets bill are committing “an act terrorism,” according to Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba.

In a blog post Friday, he wrote: “If you want to realize your ideas and principles, you should follow the democratic principles, by gaining as much support as you can. I think the strategy of merely shouting one’s opinions at the top of one’s lungs is not so fundamentally different from an act of terrorism.”

In a speech Sunday in Toyama Prefecture, Ishiba maintained his criticism of the rallies being held outside the prime minister’s office. More than 1,000 people gathered there last Tuesday when the ruling coalition rammed the state secrets bill through the Lower House.

“It is doubtful if it is in line with democracy to appeal in a threatening manner that ‘We will never accept it,’ ” Ishiba said in his speech.

But he backtracked on likening the demonstrations to terrorism.

“I retract that part as the demonstration does not fulfill all of the conditions necessary to constitute terrorism,” Ishiba told reporters after the speech. “I see the loud noise as a problem. . . . Demonstrations in general should be welcomed as long as they follow democratic rules, regardless of how many people they draw.”

With the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe set to pass the bill into law by Friday, when the extraordinary Diet is scheduled to close, the demonstrations outside the prime minister’s office have continued and similar rallies are being held around the country.

Because the bill stipulates that coercing information out of someone with knowledge of state secrets is punishable by up to five years in prison, activists worry it could be used to prosecute people seeking public disclosure of sensitive information. The government has repeatedly denied this is the case and that Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees freedom of expression, including public demonstrations.

Ishiba’s comments appear to contradict the government’s stance and have given ammunition to the opposition camp, which has already been critical of the various interpretations of the bill expressed by Cabinet ministers.

Akihiro Ohata, secretary-general of the main opposition Democratic Party of Japan, said Sunday during a street speech in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, “It is guaranteed under the Constitution to stage demonstrations,” urging Ishiba “to change his mindset.”

Tadayoshi Ichida, head of the Japanese Communist Party secretariat, told reporters, “It is an unacceptable remark as it declares the people’s voice as terrorism.”

Mizuho Fukushima, deputy chief of the Social Democratic Party, said, “I cannot trust the ruling party, whose member makes such a comment, even if it says it will respect the right to know.”

Information from Kyodo added

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Back to the future: Shinto’s growing influence in politics

Japan Times: Back to the future: Shinto’s growing influence in politics

以前のキム・ジョンウン写真と同様にこの写真もあまりに浅ましくて或いは、さもしくて私のブログには載せたくありません。何なのでしょう、このおじさん、おばさん達。しかもこの下村博文とかいう人、文部科学大臣らしいのですが、まったく教育を分かっていません 👿 。言ってる内容だけで赤面です。教育の場がまたダメにされる。或いはもうジ・エンドかも。言っている事があまりに非論理的で人間の心理を知らない。教育を知らない。議員になる前に学習塾をしていたというのですが、かなり如何わしいです。交友関係を探ればボロボロとあちら側(ダークサイド)の世界との繋がりが出てきそうです。高橋史朗の「親学」の崇拝者らしいのですが(安倍総理も)、この高橋史朗がさらに怪しいですよ。生長の家の信徒らしいです。というかもろ右翼の人です。教育がこんな偏った人間に支配されていいのでしょうか?安倍晋三は統一だし。日本ってどんな国?そしてその連中(自民党)を知識の無さゆえに信じ込んでいる地方のおじさん、おばさん達。武士道を子供たちに教えると日本は良くなる、皇室を敬えば日本は良くなる。。。なのだそうですよ。


Back to the future: Shinto’s growing influence in politics
A small organization, little known to the public, has helped restore much of Japan’s controversial past — and it is only getting started  BY DAVID MCNEILL NOV 23, 2013

Immaculate and ramrod straight in a crisp, black suit, Japan’s education minister, Hakubun Shimomura, speaks like a schoolteacher — slowly and deliberately. His brow creases with concern when he talks about Japan’s diminished place in the world, its years of anemic economic growth and poorly competing universities. Mostly, though, he appears to be worried about the moral and spiritual decline of the nation’s youth.

“The biggest problem with Japanese education is the tremendous self-deprecation of our high school children,” he says in an interview at his Tokyo office. He cites an international survey in which children are asked: “Are there times when you feel worthless?” Eighty-four percent of Japanese kids say yes — double the figure in the United States, South Korea and China, he laments. “Without changing that, Japan has no future.”


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