

先程、車に乗りながらちょっとだけテレビを見たのですけど、山本太郎いびりが物凄いですね。似非報道家達や保守政治家がここぞとばかりに罵倒に近い批判を浴びせかけている。ちょっとでもミスをしたらなら、普段何も出来ない小者達が総攻撃です。ある女性政治家が「私達の天皇陛下に...」ですって。。。(´Д` )

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Abe weighing big picture on Yasukuni trip

Japantimes 2013/10/20
Japantimes 2013/10/21



Abe weighing big picture on Yasukuni trip
KYODO OCT 21, 2013

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will decide “from a broad perspective” whether to visit war-linked Yasukuni Shrine by the end of the year, the government’s top spokesman said Monday.

“The prime minister himself will decide from a broad perspective. That says it all,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference without elaborating. A day earlier, an aide in Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party hinted he would pay a visit by the end of December.

“The prime minister has said it was regrettable that he could not visit the shrine during his first term in office (between 2006 and 2007),” Suga said.

On Sunday, Koichi Hagiuda, a member of the Lower House serving as a special aide to Abe, the LDP’s chief, said he thinks Abe will visit the Shinto facility by the first anniversary of his Cabinet’s launch in December.

“Some people say he should visit the shrine sometime while he is prime minister, but a visit to the shrine should be made at least once a year,” he said.

The shrine served as the spiritual backbone of Japan’s war effort. It honors Class-A war criminals along with Japan’s war dead. Visits by prime ministers and Cabinet members frequently anger China and South Korea, which both tasted Japan’s aggression during the war.

For Yasukuni’s annual autumn festival, Abe refrained from visiting and instead sent a “masakaki” tree offering to avoid worsening strained ties with China and South Korea and take heed of his conservative support base.

But two of his Cabinet ministers paid a visit.

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Radiation estimates for No. 1 workers likely 20% too low: U.N.

Japantimes 2013/10/13
2013年10月13日東京で大きな原発反対デモが行われました。参加人数について朝日、東京新聞、主催者発表では4万人の規模です。警視庁からすると9500人だそうです。去年からそうですが、警察発表は実際の3分の1から5分の1になってしまうようです。で、もう一つの隠れた国家権力、国営放送(NHK)は相変わらず原発反対デモについて何も放送しないらしいです。「それはないでしょ、NHK!」(Jan Jan Blog)



Radiation estimates for No. 1 workers likely 20% too low: U.N.
KYODO OCT 13, 2013

NEW YORK – The radiation doses workers received in the initial phase of the Fukushima disaster may have underestimated by 20 percent, a report by a U.N. panel says.

The U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation said in a summary report on its website that the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., known as Tepco, used tests that failed to take into account some types of radiation released by the three meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant in March 2011.

The report said the committee analyzed the doses received by some 25,000 people working at the plant on or before October 2012, using data from Japan, Tepco and others to assess the amount of substances discharged during the crisis after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

It also noted that workers were tested for radioactive iodine absorbed by their thyroid glands after a significant delay, with no account taken of “the potential contribution from intakes of shorter-lived isotopes of iodine, in particular iodine 133,” which have a short half-life of 20 hours.

It said that “as a result, the assessed doses from internal exposure could have been underestimated by about 20 percent.”

Increased exposure to such iodine is linked to increase risk of cancer and thyroid disorders.

If the estimates of the U.N. committee are accurate, more Fukushima plant workers will be eligible for free health checks from the government and Tepco, which says about 2,000 workers whose thyroids got doses of 100 millisieverts or more qualify for cervical ultrasound inspection.

The committee also said that, for the 12 workers estimated to have received 2 to 12 gray of thyroid exposure from iodine-131 alone, “an increased risk of developing thyroid cancer and other thyroid disorders can be inferred.”

Higher cancer risk is expected for more than 160 additional workers who received over 100 millisieverts from external exposure, but the incidence is expected to be “indiscernible,” it said.

The committee said that although the doses received by residents near the plant are low, continued research is needed to identify the full scope and expression of the differences in effects, mechanisms and risk from exposure to ionizing radiation for children and for adults.

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Anti-democratic secrecy bill

Japantimes 2013/09/09

注: 人間の視覚には「恒常視」という機能があり、何も無い中にも物を見ようとするのです。野生世界では咄嗟に捕食動物を判断しなければなりません。そのために備わった機能で、脳が「物をが有る」ということを前提に「物を見る」ので何も無い中にも物を見てしまうのです。試しに何も書いてないホワイトボードを見てみてください 😀 。

Anti-democratic secrecy bill
SEP 9, 2013

The Abe administration plans to submit to the Diet a bill designed to protect state secrets that the government deems vital to national security. The bill will enable the heads of administrative organizations to designate a wide range of information as “special secrets” and mete out up to 10 years’ imprisonment to national servants who leak such secrets as well as those who obtain the secrets, including reporters, through “conspiracy, instigation and agitation.” The bill obviously would undermine the people’s right to know what their government is doing by strongly limiting their access to information. The government should rewrite the bill to ensure that freedom of information and freedom of the press — two pillars of democracy — are fully upheld.

The government says that the bill is necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the planned National Security Council, which is being pushed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Under the bill, the heads of administrative bodies would designate as special secrets an extremely wide range of information in the areas of defense, diplomacy, counterintelligence and prevention of terrorism if they think the information merits special protection. The bill’s biggest flaw is that the officials would have discretionary power and that the bill has no internal mechanism — such as an in camera committee — to verify whether the designation is justifiable from the viewpoint of protecting the people’s right to know.

The defense minister would be able to designate almost all information related to defense and the Self-Defense Forces if he wishes so, including plans, estimates and studies related to operations of the SDF and improvement of the nation’s defense capabilities; types and quantities of weapons and ammunition; capabilities and ways of production and uses of weapons and ammunition in the development stage, and designs and capabilities of defense-related facilities.

The foreign minister would be able to designate as special secrets information concerning “negotiations” and scope of cooperation with foreign governments or international organizations in the field of security. This concept is so wide and vague that the foreign minister would be able to expand the scope of special secrets as desired and the government would be able to conduct secret security negotiations with foreign countries. Information related to guarding of nuclear power plants to prevent terrorist attacks could also be classified as special secrets.

Once information held by the government is designated as a special secret, the status would be maintained for five years and it could be readily renewed by the heads of administrative bodies.

The bill’s proposed punishment of up to 10 years’ imprisonment for national servants who leak special secrets is far harsher than the current punishment of up to one year’s imprisonment for national servants who violate the duty of confidentiality and up to five years’ imprisonment for SDF members who leak defense secrets. The fact that the bill allows for the punishing of reporters who try to investigate special secrets is extremely worrisome. It is unclear whether reporter who press national servants to discuss about special secrets would be regarded as “instigating” them to talk.

The bill carries a danger of expanding the scope of special secrets ad infinitum and could undermine the fundamental democratic principles of freedom of information and freedom of the press. Lawmakers and the public need to recognize the danger posed by the bill and act to protect democratic freedoms.

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Yokohama recalls texts describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans

Japantimes 2013/08/29


Yokohama recalls texts describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans
KYODO AUG 29, 2013

The stir caused by a textbook’s descriptions of the mass lynching of Koreans following the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake has prompted Yokohama’s board of education to order schools to collect the books from students.

In an unprecedented move, the board ordered municipal junior high schools to recall the 2012 edition of the book, a supplementary text, saying the use of the word “massacre” “can cause a misunderstanding.” The term has also been criticized by some historians.

Immediately after the Sept. 1, 1923, earthquake in the Kanto region, unconfirmed rumors spread that Koreans were rioting and committing acts of sabotage. Based on the rumors, the army, police and vigilantes killed many Koreans, as well as Chinese and Japanese mistaken for Koreans. It’s unclear because of the chaos how many were killed, but it’s thought the slayings1 topped 6,000 in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture alone2.

Previous editions of the text, titled “Wakaru Yokohama” (“Understanding Yokohama”) and edited by the board, said “some members of the vigilante corps killed Koreans.” The book was first published in 2009.

However, the edition distributed in May 2012 states that “the military, the police and vigilante groups persecuted and massacred Koreans.” It also shows a picture of a cenotaph erected by Japanese as an expression of apology.

The revised entry made media headlines at home as well as in South Korea and China.

In July 2012, a municipal assembly member from the Liberal Democratic Party took up the issue during a session, saying: “It could affect historical concepts in our country and diplomatic relations. It is not a matter only for Yokohama.”

The board of education’s chairman at the time pledged to revise the edition and recall the books already distributed.

The board later reprimanded the person in charge of the revision, criticizing the decision-making process as inappropriate. The 2013 edition reinstated the description and a recall was begun of the 2012 version.

The board also twice instructed school principals to collect all the books and ask students who did not obey their reasons why.

On Wednesday, historians submitted a petition to Yokohama asking that the decision to recall the books be reversed.


  1. slyings、なんだか不思議に思いませんか?そうです動名詞に複数のsがついています。動詞が名詞になったからといって普通は複数にはなりません。動名詞にsをつけられるのは、一部の完全に名詞化してしまった動名詞です。例えばpaintings, drawings, belongings, savings, earnings, openings, human beings...ただし動名詞は正直そう簡単ではありません。例えば動名詞は副詞で修飾しますか、それとも名詞で修飾しますか?下に例を出しますが、同じ単語の動名詞でも使われ方によっては副詞で修飾し(即ち動詞的動名詞)、あるいは形容詞で修飾(即ち名詞的動名詞)があるのです。以下はTOEIC公式問題集からです。

    a. The position of shipping clerk requires ------ lifting of packages weighing over twenty kilograms.
    (A) repeats
    (B) repeated
    (C) repeatedly
    (D) will repeat

    b. Shipping clerk can finish the job without ------ lifting packages.
    (A) repeats
    (B) repeated
    (C) repeatedly
    (D) will repeat

    a問題の答えはBです。b問題の答えはCです。同じliftingという動名詞なのに。。。何故か分かりますか?本当は自分で調べる課題としたいところですが 😯 、とくに私の生徒には 😆 。。。。多分鋭い人ならきっと分かってくれると思います。
    a問題のliftingはofがついてしまっています。ということは完全に名詞としての扱いになります。その他にも冠詞がついたりすれば完全に名詞扱いです。だから形容詞や分詞で修飾しているのです。一方b問題のliftingは目的語を伴っています。まだ動詞扱いです。だから副詞での修飾なのです。きっと英語に熱心な人ならこの説明を聞いて「ラッキー 💡 」と思ってくれると思います。いいえこちらこそ :mrgreen:
  2. aloneはonlyと同じく「~だけ」という意味で使われます。aloneは後置修飾で使われます。aloneは普通叙述用法の形容詞ですが、この場合は限定用法?と思ったのですが、辞書を調べたところ、これでも叙述用法と書いてありました 😯 。

stir 動揺
lynch リンチ
prompt 引き起こす、駆りたてる
board of education 教育委員会
collect 集める
unprecedented 前例のない
municipal 地方自治の、公立の
supplementary text 補助教科書、副読本
sabotage 破壊行為
vigilante 自警団員
top ~を上回る
persecute 迫害する
cenotaph 慰霊碑
at home 国内で
municipal assembly 市議会
pledge 堅く誓う
reprimand 懲戒する
reinstate もとに戻す
petition 嘆願書

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